

De wet werken naar vermogen: De stedelijke uitdaging voor creatieve destructie

Trefwoorden job provision, disabled workers, welfare state, creative destruction, local government
Auteurs Marco Wilke

Marco Wilke
Dr M. Wilke is algemeen directeur van Drechtwerk, de sociale werkvoorziening in het Drechtstedengebied. Daarnaast is hij associé van BMC.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch government is preparing a major new law on social security. Among other things, this law fundamentally addresses the current system of job provision for disabled workers. The article describes the proposed system change from the Schumpeterian perspective of creative destruction. The national government effectively tears up the current system but fails to offer a workable and effective alternative. The creative part of the process is left to the municipalities. The municipalities have to develop strategies for integrating disabled workers in the labour market, acknowledging the fact that demand for these workers is very low. The author presents two of those strategies that might effectively integrate disabled workers in the economy and society.

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