

Zorgen over zendmasten: hoe een maatschappelijk debat verengd wordt tot de definiëring van gezondheidsrisico’s

Trefwoorden wicked problems, mobile phone, policy controversy
Auteurs Marijke Hermans, Marjolein van Asselt en Wim Passchier

Marijke Hermans
M.A. Hermans is promovendus aan de Faculteit Cultuur en Maatschappijwetenschappen van de Universiteit Maastricht.

Marjolein van Asselt
Prof. ir. M.B.A. van Asselt is hoogleraar Risk Governance aan de Faculteit Cultuur en Maatschappijwetenschappen van de Universiteit Maastricht.

Wim Passchier
Prof. W.F. Passchier is hoogleraar Risk Analysis aan de School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism (NUTRIM) van de Universiteit Maastricht (emeritus).
  • Samenvatting

      Concerns about mobile phone masts are often put down as unfounded fears of health risks. However, our ethnographic study of mast siting controversies shows that citizens mostly want to be democratically involved in the siting decisions. There is no room for such engagement in the national antenna policy, thus, citizens shift their attention to the possibility of health risks. The national government responds to this with more research and risk communication. However, the centrality of science leads to a shift in the discussion towards the credibility of science. Even a Klankbordgroep (Sounding Board) with all stakeholders fails to change the focus. This article shows that local conflicts are not so much the result of individual concerns, which is the subject of many social sciences studies, but are the outcome of a dynamic interaction between governments, citizens and scientists. Governments should not frame a local issue only in terms of a scientific problem.

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