

Het organiseren van de terugtocht: voorbereidende beschietingen

Trefwoorden administrative history, central government, retreat of the state, decentralization, framing
Auteurs Dr. Thomas Schillemans en Prof. dr. Paul Frissen

Dr. Thomas Schillemans
Dr. T. Schillemans is universitair docent bestuurskunde aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Prof. dr. Paul Frissen
Prof. dr. P.H.F. Frissen is bestuursvoorzitter en decaan Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur, hoogleraar bestuurskunde Universiteit van Tilburg en lid van de Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling.
  • Samenvatting

      The state has been expanding throughout the twentieth century but now seems to be in retreat. This special issue addresses the question how central governments can organize their retreats. It is a theme with a double-sided focus. On the one hand, we will offer an empirical and theoretical state of the art of the ‘state of the state’. On the other hand, this special issue will thematise how a retreat of the state can be organized in a proper way. The special issue consists of eight different articles; some more theoretical and normative and others clearly empirical. Together the articles provide a colourful overview of the state of the Dutch state in the early 21st Century.

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