Dr. Philip Marcel Karré
Dr. P.M. Karré is als programmaleider van de master Urban Management verbonden aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.

Iris Vanhommerig MSc.
I. Vanhommerig MSc. is freelance bestuurskundig onderzoeker, docent, vertaler en programmeur. Voor meer informatie zie www.bestuurskundig.nl.

Prof. Dr. Ellen van Bueren
Prof. dr. E.M. van Bueren is professor of Urban Development Management bij de Faculteit Bouwkunde van de Technische Universiteit Delft.
  • Samenvatting

      The city is hot: solutions to the world’s everyday problems are increasingly sought at the local level. Local administrations are handed more responsibilities through decentralizations and much is expected of the pragmatic skills of mayors. A great deal of hope is directed at the self-organizing abilities of cities, which can be seen as laboratories for social change and improvement. In this themed issue we will critically review these high expectations of cities and the local level. Can cities live up to these expectations, and at what point does ‘hope’ become ‘hype’? This introductory article mainly focuses on the concept of living labs, which are presented as an accessible, innovative and pragmatic way to address social issues in neighbourhoods.

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