

Wie niet vraagt, die niet wint

Een literatuurverkenning naar de determinanten van vraagverlegenheid voor vrijwillige inzet

Trefwoorden helping behavior, informal help, non-take-up, local government, bureaucratic factors
Auteurs Mark Reijnders MSc MA, Dr. Jelmer Schalk en Prof. dr. Trui Steen

Mark Reijnders MSc MA

Dr. Jelmer Schalk

Prof. dr. Trui Steen
  • Samenvatting

      A major issue confronting Dutch municipalities is that informal help is not being accepted. This concerns potential clients who avoid or are reluctant to ask for support that can be provided by friends, family, neighbours or volunteers. This phenomenon of non-acceptance is still underexplored and our theoretical understanding is fragmented at best. We explore various explanations for why people avoid seeking help, drawn from various and – until now – largely separate bodies of literature. From an extensive literature review across the disciplines of psychology, sociology and public administration, we distil four possible causes for refusing to accept help. We conclude with a discussion of the practical implications and possible future research avenues.

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