

Monitoring van sociale media: op weg naar een Brave New Democracy?

Trefwoorden social media monitoring, democracy, responsiveness, privacy
Auteurs Dr. Arthur Edwards en Dr. Dennis de Kool

Dr. Arthur Edwards

Dr. Dennis de Kool
  • Samenvatting

      Social media monitoring is a topical and relevant phenomenon. It enables civil servants and politicians to gauge the sentiments voiced on social media, on the basis of which they are in a better position to take into account the wishes and needs of citizens. Social media monitoring is primarily used for rational and strategic purposes. In terms of democratic legitimacy, it may enhance the quality of the processes on the output side of the political system, i.e. authorities can be more responsive and can fine tune public policies. There also threats for the relation between citizens and government. When citizens communicate on networks they perceive as private, social media monitoring can be seen as an intrusion into their private sphere. This not only concerns individual privacy but also an interpersonal private sphere in terms of the right that people have to define a domain within which they can exchange experiences with peers. Transparency and accountability are therefore important conditions for the application of this instrument.

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