

Institutionele leegte: nieuwe bronnen, nieuwe uitdagingen

Trefwoorden Institutional void, Literature review, Societal change, Technical innovation, Governance
Auteurs Prof.dr. Ellen van Bueren en Bram Klievink

Prof.dr. Ellen van Bueren Bram Klievink
  • Samenvatting

      Societal and technological developments (such as the digital and energy revolutions) move faster than existing institutions can keep up with. The developments may lead to a metaphorical institutional void, which brings questions about the nature of the void, the changing rules, practices and responsibilities, and about the strategies to deal with the void. The concept has been around for a while but (again) seems relevant to understand current socio-technological innovations and challenges, that also allow us to further conceptualise the institutional void. In this introduction to the issue, we discuss the concept of an institutional void and explore how it is used in various domains of study, including public administration. We argue for how the concept is relevant today and therein also introduce the topics that are discussed in this special issue.

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