

Van diversiteitsagenda’s tot participatietrajecten

Een vergelijking van lokaal vluchtelingenbeleid in zestien Nederlandse gemeenten

Trefwoorden local governance, decentralization, refugees, immigrant integration, mainstreaming
Auteurs Ilona van Breugel MSc

Ilona van Breugel MSc
I. van Breugel, MSc is postdoctoraal onderzoeker bij het departement Bestuurskunde en Sociologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en docent bij de opleiding Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling aan de Hogeschool Rotterdam. Zij doet onderzoek naar (lokaal) integratiebeleid.
  • Samenvatting

      This article describes the main trends in refugee policies in sixteen Dutch cities, offering an overview of the local approaches to the reception, housing and integration of refugees that the cities rapidly had to develop in response to the increased refugee inflow in 2015. In contrast to other studies that often focus on capital and gateway cities, this article illustrates the variety of local approaches to migration diversity and refugee integration. By illustrating the different positions municipalities take, the article shows the local power to innovate. In this article clusters of cities with comparable approaches to refugee policies are identified to aid cooperation and knowledge exchange between cities, in which the big cities are not necessarily always the relevant partners.

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