

Op zoek naar een verbeeldend utilisme

Besluitvormingsinstrumenten voor bestuurders en burgers bij beeldbepalende projecten

Trefwoorden Iconic projects, Utilitarianism, Imagination, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Participatory Value Evaluation
Auteurs Dr. mr. Niek Mouter en Dr. Peter Pelzer

Dr. mr. Niek Mouter
Dr. mr. N. Mouter is verbonden aan Faculteit Technische Bestuurskunde en Management van de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Dr. Peter Pelzer
Dr. P. Pelzer is verbonden aan de Urban Futures Studio en de afdeling Human Geography and Spatial Planning van de Faculteit Geowetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Sometimes dreams become reality, but there are also many examples in which manic ideas for image-defining projects turn into fiascos. How do you find the right balance in the planning and decision-making of image-defining projects between taming manic mechanisms that cause these projects to fail and unleashing manic mechanisms that are necessary to make these projects happen? This article attempts to answer this question by exploring how the taming of mania (through welfare-economic analysis) and the unleashing of vision and ambition (through imagination) can be combined in a better way. We call this a search for an ‘imaginative utilitarianism’ and draw up three preconditions under which this approach can work: (1) more attention to incremental and less grotesque projects, (2) a different appreciation and historiography that places individuals less centrally and also appreciates what has not been built, and (3) a stronger interweaving between the design process and a welfare-economic approach.

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