

Open data en dynamische verantwoording

Reflecties op een opkomende trend

Trefwoorden Open Data, dynamic accountability, armchair auditors
Auteurs Iris Vanhommerig en Philip Marcel Karré

Iris Vanhommerig
I. Vanhommerig MSc is freelance bestuurskundig onderzoeker, wetenschappelijk vertaler en web-developer.

Philip Marcel Karré
Dr P.M. Karré is senior onderzoeker bij de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur en programmaleider bij de Master Urban Management van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      The co-production possibilities brought on by web 2.0 has meant that media are no longer a one-way stream, with citizens as passive consumers of information. This has also had an impact on the way public organizations account for their actions. In this article we describe Open Data and various other emerging forms of dynamic accountability which in recent years have cropped up alongside the more traditional horizontal and vertical accountability mechanisms. Dynamic accountability uses the technical possibilities of web 2.0 to put an end to accountability as a one-way stream: citizens now have the possibility to react and actively hold their government to account. We reflect on this emerging trend by exploring which questions this raises for Dutch governmental organizations.

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