

Deugdelijk bestuur in curaçao

Maatschappelijke barrires voor goed bestuur in het nieuwe land curaçao

Trefwoorden good governance, Netherlands Antilles, Curaçao, political culture
Auteurs Oberon Nauta

Oberon Nauta
Dr O. Nauta is senior onderzoeker en aanvoerder van het team Veiligheid & Justitie bij de DSP groep.
  • Samenvatting

      Before 2010, the Netherlands Antilles were an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This structure was often cited as a barrier to effective governance and led to calls for the ablishment of the Netherlands Antilles. This article examines whether this step has led to good governance in the case of the new country of Curaçao. The author comes to the conclusion that political culture has a bigger effect on good governance than institutional arrangements.

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