

Schaalvraagstukken in bestuurskundig onderzoek

Een vergelijking van monocentrisch, multilevel en adaptief bestuur

Trefwoorden scales, monocentric governance, multilevel governance, adaptive governance
Auteurs Art Dewulf en Catrien Termeer

Art Dewulf
Dr A.R.P.J. Dewulf is universitair docent Bestuurskunde aan Wageningen University.

Catrien Termeer
Prof. dr ir C.J.A.M. Termeer is hoogleraar Bestuurskunde aan Wageningen University.
  • Samenvatting

      Scale is an important topic in the fields of public administration, political sciences, and environmental sciences. How scales are defined, studied, and dealt with varies substantially within and across these fields. This article aims to reduce the existing conceptual confusion regarding scales by disentangling three representative approaches that address both governance and scaling: monocentric governance, multilevel governance, and adaptive governance. It does so by analyzing the differences in underlying views on governing, assumptions about scales, dominant problem definitions regarding scales, and preferred responses for dealing with multiple scales. Finally, this article identifies research opportunities within and across these approaches.

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