

Schaaldenken is ‘schraal’ denken

In netwerkbestuur is de schaal van het bestuur minder relevant

Trefwoorden scale, local government, performance, democratic legitimacy
Auteurs Linze Schaap

Linze Schaap
Dr L. Schaap is Universitair Hoofddocent Bestuurskunde bij DEMOS - Centrum voor Burgerschap en Beter Bestuur, Universiteit van Tilburg.
  • Samenvatting

      In the Netherlands there is an ongoing discussion on the preferred or even necessary scale of government. Basic assumption in this decades-long discussion is that the mere seize of government affects the functioning and quality of government. This article questions that specific assumption, by applying two criteria; government performance and democratic legitimacy. It is concluded that the supposed relationship between seize and quality hardly exists, theoretically nor empirically. Recent government proposals for further up-scaling are being critically assessed. Main conclusion is that thinking in terms of scale and seize is no longer feasible in a modern network society.

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