

Het maatschappelijk middenveld in beweging

Een internationale vergelijking van dynamiek in herkomst, perspectief en invulling van vermaatschappelijking

Trefwoorden Big Society, international comparison, public reform, third sector
Auteurs Sabine van Zuydam, Bob van de Velde en Marlot Kuiper

Sabine van Zuydam
S. van Zuydam MSc is promovenda aan de Universiteit van Tilburg.

Bob van de Velde
R.N. van de Velde MSc is promovendus aan de VU Amsterdam.

Marlot Kuiper
M. Kuiper BA is student ‘Research in Public Administration and Organizational Science’.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article we aim to provide an insight in one of the specifics of the dynamic relationship between government and society; the delegation of public tasks to (civil) society. The concept ‘Big Society’ in the United Kingdom generated immense expectations in this respect. By making use of an explorative case study, we examine the origins, visions and best practices in successively the UK, Australia and Scandinavia in order to generate a better understanding of this dynamical relationship. The major insights following from this analysis relate to the economic and cultural background, the political reality and rhetoric, as well as to concrete practices to understand what civil society has to offer in the delegation of public tasks. Finally, as a first step towards theory development, we formulate five concrete lessons for the delegation of public tasks to the civil society.

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