

De commissie op zoek naar de waarheid: willen weten hoe het echt zit

Een nadere beschouwing over de Visitatiecommissie wijkenaanpak

Auteurs Maurice Cramers en Mark van Twist

Maurice Cramers
Drs. M. Cramers MSUS is beleidsadviseur bij het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties en was secretaris van de Visitatiecommissie wijkenaanpak.

Mark van Twist
Prof. dr. M. van Twist is decaan en bestuurder van de NSOB en hoogleraar Bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This essay reports on an academic self-examination of the functioning of the Review committee on district approach. By assessing statistics, investigating problem areas, holding organized meetings with stakeholders, and having spontaneous visits, the committee tried to find out how things really are. This raised the question of whether the picture of reality that they obtained was really better in terms of being truer and more real? Accessing true reality is an understandable ambition for contributing to the quality of policy and implementation, but one that comes from a tragic (because it is ultimately unrealizable) desire. The experiences were always open to interpretation.
      After that, the committee had to find a way to convey its findings to the political and social arena where they could be discussed and exploited. At this stage, the committee’s report was a truth in itself. Finishing the report had to prompt a follow-up in the social and political arena by, in turn, reviewing how to take away from the encountered reality to a sufficient extent.
      The search for true reality yielded valuable catch on that belief in a truer reality behind the presented truth image is gone. By participating in administrative reality, those investigating seek the truth. But they do so in a context that is not looking for the truth.

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