

‘Governing Governance’: zware kost in een Jip-en-Janneke-jasje

Trefwoorden governance, network society, innovation
Auteurs Jeroen van der Heijden

Jeroen van der Heijden
Dr. ir. J.J. van der Heijden is als research fellow verbonden aan the Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet), Australian National University, en als universitair docent aan de Faculteit der Rechten, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      The manifest Governing Governance: A Liberal-Democratic View on Governance by Relationships, Bureaucracies and Markets in the 21st Century aims to please a wide range of audiences. Yet in trying to do so it does not seem to please any. The manifest may be applauded for its clear and concise discussion of the complicated concept of governance. Yet, it falls short in being a truly engaging text as it is somewhat outdated, it lacks interaction with the wider world beyond the Netherlands (and Belgium), and it is too optimistic in terms of what may be achieved through collaborative or new governance and deliberative democracy. All this may very well explain why the manifest has, as of yet, not received a great deal of attention.

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