The articles in this special issue try to shed some light on the rise of societal unease and political discontent in the Netherlands. It is often assumed that citizens are angry and can no longer identify with the actions undertaken by government. But is this really true? Who are these ‘angry citizens’ that everybody seems to be talking about? Do they really exist and what are they angry about? How to square the heated discussions about the angry citizen with research that shows that trust in government still is quite high in the Netherlands? How can we understand the motivations of societal discontent and how can government react to citizens reacting to its actions more emotionally than before?
Bestuurskunde |
Article | ‘Een kakafonie van woeste woede’: reflecties op de opkomst van de ‘boze burger’Inleiding themanummer |
Trefwoorden | societal unease, political discontent, angry citizens, emotions |
Auteurs | Dr. Philip Marcel Karré, Drs. Thijs Jansen en Prof. dr. Gabriël van den Brink |
DOI | 10.5553/Bk/092733872017026004001 |
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