

Lessen voor de omgang met het onbehagen

Trefwoorden societal unease, political discontent, angry citizens, emotions
Auteurs Boudewijn Steur, Thomas Zandstra en Yosha van Droffelaar

Boudewijn Steur

Thomas Zandstra

Yosha van Droffelaar
  • Samenvatting

      Recently the authors, who all work at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, published a paper in which they analysed contemporary literature and research on social discontent to clarify whether this current feeling of discontent is different to previous periods of discontent and how it might affect the functioning of the Dutch government. In addition, to strengthen their analysis they discussed its implications with local politicians, experts and practitioners. In this article, the authors reflect on the outcome of these discussions. Their dialogues revealed that there is a need to redefine the dialogue between administration and society. They distilled five lessons from these discussions: they argue that government should be more 1) reliable and credible, 2) responsive, 3) effective, 4) empathic and 5) cohesive.

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