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Aflevering 4, 2021 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open ‘Buy now, pay later?’ Naar een tijdsensitief bestuur voor acute én ­sluipende crises

Auteurs Wieke Pot, Jorren Scherpenisse, Paul ’t Hart e.a.

Wieke Pot
Dr. W.D. Pot is universitair docent bij de leerstoelgroep Bestuurskunde van Wageningen Universiteit.

Jorren Scherpenisse
Dr. K.J. Scherpenisse is co-decaan en adjunct-directeur van de Denktank van de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB).

Paul ’t Hart
Prof. dr. P. ’t Hart is professor Bestuurskunde bij Utrecht Universiteit en co-decaan bij de NSOB.

Peter van der Knaap
Dr. P. van der Knaap is directeur Internationaal Onderzoek en Beleidsevaluatie bij het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en redactielid bij het tijdschrift Bestuurskunde.

De verleiding van bestuurlijke blikvernauwing: schuld en tijd in ­COVID-19-crisisbeleid

Trefwoorden crisis management, blame avoidance, COVID-19, crisis communication, time
Auteurs Joram Feitsma en Marij Swinkels

    As public institutions seek to come to grips with the crisis of COVID-19, they risk getting trapped in a unilateral here-and-now crisis management style that overlooks other long-term societal issues. We raise the question how and why this is the case. What makes here-and-now crisis management so ‘attractive’ from a political-administrative perspective? Through which strategies is this style being promoted? Guided by the literature on blame management, we empirically analyze the Dutch COVID-19 crisis communication. We specifically zoom into a pivotal yet underexposed facet: the role of time. Three time-related blame management strategies are empirically explored and interpreted: 1) playing with the time horizon; 2) organizing self-reinforcing institutional rhythms of monitoring and decision-making; 3) selectively naming uncertainties and risks. All three subtly add to a short time horizon in managing the ­COVID-19 crisis, revealing how interwoven time and blame are in public decision-making.

Joram Feitsma
Dr. J.N.P. Feitsma is universitair docent bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap van de Universiteit Utrecht.

Marij Swinkels
Dr. E.M. Swinkels is universitair docent bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap van de Universiteit Utrecht.

Investeren in de toekomst na COVID-19: speelt de crisis een rol in ­partijpositionering?

Trefwoorden intertemporal policymaking, policy investments, crisis, party positioning, elections
Auteurs Pieter Tuytens

    Do the budgetary consequences of an acute crisis make us less willing to tackle long-term challenges? This paper asks whether the recent ­COVID-19 crisis has affected the willingness of parties to commit to so-called ‘policy investments’. These are policies where short-term costs are accepted in anticipation of higher benefits in the longer run. Theoretically, there is no unambiguous prediction as to whether the recent crisis plays a role in repositioning party preferences regarding policy investments. In light of this theoretical ambiguity, this article aims to provide an empirical answer by measuring and comparing party positioning regarding policy investments of Dutch parties during the two general elections for the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamerver­kiezingen) of 2017 and 2021 respectively. To identify which proposals qualify as policy investments, and measure the corresponding willingness to engage in them, the article builds on calculations of the budgetary impact of party manifestos provided by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Centraal Planbureau; Keuze in Kaart). The subsequent analysis shows that overall willingness of parties to engage in policy investments has increased during the COVID-19 crisis; suggesting that the tension between addressing short- and long-term challenges is less strict that often suggested.

Pieter Tuytens
Dr. P. Tuytens is universitair docent aan het Departement Bestuurskunde en Sociologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Access_open De dynamiek van sluipende crises: meekoppelen van klimaatbeleid met besluiten van vandaag

Trefwoorden creeping crises, climate change, feedback, system dynamics
Auteurs Vincent de Gooyert en Heleen de Coninck

    Addressing a creeping crisis like climate change requires nothing less than a system transition. A system transition is very complex and hence its success depends to a large extent on feedback effects: mechanisms where an initial change reinforces itself or balances itself out. Urgent crises are more salient than creeping crises. However, it is possible to combine policies for both urgent and creeping crises, as can be seen in policies that aim for a green recovery. In this article, we conclude that up till now such policies have overlooked the relevance of feedback effects. We provide examples of corona recovery measures that simultaneously help to establish a system transition through feedback effects.

Vincent de Gooyert
Dr. V. de Gooyert is universitair hoofddocent systeemdynamica aan Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen van de Radboud Universiteit.

Heleen de Coninck
Prof. dr. H.C. de Coninck is hoogleraar socio-technische innovatie en klimaatverandering, Faculteit Technische Bedrijfskunde en Innovatiewetenschappen, TU Eindhoven en universitair hoofddocent innovatiestudies en duurzaamheid, Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica, Radboud Universiteit.

Van waterschappen naar ‘klimaatschappen’? Kansen en belemmeringen voor strategische herpositionering in tijden van crisis

Trefwoorden water boards, climate crisis, strategic repositioning, integrated planning, mission mystique
Auteurs Margo van den Brink en Britta Restemeyer

    Dutch water boards are commonly viewed as important player in making the Netherlands climate-proof, resonating in calls to transform water boards into ‘climate boards’. Upcoming legislative changes (i.e. the Environment and Planning Act) stress the importance of integrated approaches, emphasizing spatial quality and collaboration. Dutch water boards are therefore in a strategic repositioning process, in which the relation to the spatial planning domain stands central. The institutions’ adaptation process started already in the 1990s, yet the urgency of the current climate crisis makes it more pressing. However, strategic repositioning might be hampered due to the corona crisis. An acute crisis can absorb all attention and thereby impede a long-term transition. The question is, though, if this also applies to the water boards, as they do not have a primary responsibility in combatting Covid-19. Based on a framing analysis of strategic position papers and interviews with water board employees, we shed light on this repositioning process by identifying the water boards’ new ‘mission mystique’ and accompanying opportunities and dilemmas. We conclude that water boards remain rather cautious in living up to their new mission of a proactive partner in integrated planning; they could use their strong reputation as water authorities to act more courageous in climate-related spatial planning decisions.

Margo van den Brink
Dr. M.A. van den Brink is universitair hoofddocent Water en Ruimte aan de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Britta Restemeyer
Dr. B. Restemeyer is postdoc-onderzoeker aan de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Verduurzaming vergt het omarmen van diepe onzekerheid

Trefwoorden transition, unpredictability, foresight, speculation, usability
Auteurs Ed Dammers

    The government strives for a low-carbon energy supply, sustainable agriculture and a circular economy. These transitions require a long-term orientation, while the long term is surrounded by deep uncertainty. This challenge poses two dilemmas for public knowledge institutions such as PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. First, they should pay more attention to the unpredictability of the future, while policymakers expected them to make the future more predictable. Second, they should support the use of foresight more, while policymakers operate in a context that discourages this. The dilemmas require that the knowledge institutions make more work of speculation, that they actively organise the use of foresight and that they seek to connect with formal policy processes. While doing this it’s important that the knowledge institutions maintain their core values of scientific excellence, policy orientation and independence and also propagate this.

Ed Dammers
Dr. E. Dammers is senior onderzoeker Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling en Toekomstverkenning bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving.
Vrij artikel

Een vak apart: topambtelijk vakmanschap in tijden van politieke ­volatiliteit

Trefwoorden political-administrative relations, senior civil servants, craft of administration, public leadership, publicness
Auteurs Erik-Jan van Dorp

    Recent events and media reporting have turned the spotlights on the role and behaviour of senior civil servants and their relationships with political office holders. In this article I ask how political-administrative interactions are perceived and enacted in the current Dutch core executive. I answer this research question by providing eight concise observations based on extensive qualitative fieldwork (300 hours) and dozens of interviews among top public servants and political executives. The observations fall into two heuristic categories: Institutional context and role and behaviour. Together, they provide an impressionistic picture how work of government elites takes shape, situated in the institutional context. These findings are particularly important as increasing media pressure and enhanced ‘publicness’ of public servants call for a stocktake of political-administrative relations and administrative behaviour. The findings have implications for both students and practitioners of public administration.

Erik-Jan van Dorp
G.H. van Dorp is promovendus bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht.

Roel in ’t Veld
Roel in 't Veld, emeritus hoogleraar Bestuurskunde en associate KWINK groep.

Janine Mulder
Janine Mulder, directeur KWINK groep.
Van Slingelandtlezing

Nieuwe bestuurscultuur begint bij herijking van het sociaal contract

Van Slingelandtlezing, Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde ­4 november 2021

Auteurs Kim Putters

Kim Putters
Prof. dr. Kim Putters is directeur bij het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau en hoogleraar Beleid en sturing van de zorg in de veranderende verzorgingsstaat bij Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Understanding street-level bureaucrats’ attitude towards clients

A social psychological approach

Auteurs Shelena Keulemans

Shelena Keulemans

Deciding for tomorrow today

What makes governmental decisions about water infrastructure forward looking?

Auteurs Wieke Pot

Wieke Pot
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