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Aflevering 3, 2021 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open De pandemie als spiegel

Bestuurskundig leren van de aanpak van de COVID-19-crisis

Trefwoorden COVID-19, Crisis management, Policy learning, Evidence and policy, Learning from crisis
Auteurs Myrthe van Delden, Wiljan Hendrikx, Shelena Keulemans e.a.

    This is an introduction to a special issue dedicated to drawing lessons from the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. We introduce the various papers of the special issue, raise the questions we seek to answer in this special issue, and formulate an agenda for future research on the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Myrthe van Delden
T.A.M. van Delden, MSc is onderzoeker en opleidingsmanager van de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB).

Wiljan Hendrikx
Dr. P.M.A. Hendrikx is onderzoeker en opleidingsmanager van de NSOB.

Shelena Keulemans
Dr. S.A.C. Keulemans is universitair docent Bestuurskunde aan de Radboud Universiteit.

Martijn van der Steen
Prof. dr. M.A. van der Steen is bijzonder hoogleraar bij de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, en is tevens co-decaan en adjunct-directeur van de NSOB en directeur van de Denktank.

From National Lockdowns to Herd Immunity: Understanding the Spectrum of Government Responses to COVID-19 (2019-2021)

Trefwoorden COVID-19, Health Policy, Policy Strategies, Policy Capacity, Leadership
Auteurs Michael Howlett

    Governments around the world responded at roughly the same time but in several different ways to the emerging threat of COVID-19 in early 2020. This article sets out the nature of the different strategies that emerged over the course of the pandemic, focussing on the policy tools deployed. Some of these efforts were successful in containing the coronavirus while others were not, in some cases due to poor initial choices and in others due to poor implementation of the chosen strategy. Although the initial understanding each government had of the nature of the disease was the same, different state capacities and different levels of preparedness and effective leadership can be seen to have resulted over time in the emergence of six distinct approaches to the pandemic which, once deployed, proved difficult, although not impossible, to change as the pandemic unfolded.

Michael Howlett
Dr. M. Howlett is professor at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.

Naar een politiek-bestuurlijke herdefinitie van pandemische paraatheid

Sturing van de COVID-19-respons in Azië en Europa

Trefwoorden pandemic preparedness, COVID-19 governance, welfare state failure, mitigation and control, political economy
Auteurs Marleen Bekker en Ivo ten Have

    Despite the highest ranks on pandemic preparedness assessments European welfare states encounter great difficulty in responding effectively to the COVID-19 outbreak. In this article we compare the governance of COVID-19 response in 48 Eurasian countries and a selection of European and SARS (2003) exposed Asian countries during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak until 1 June 2020, using data from the COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor and the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, recent scientific literature and policy documents.
    Pandemic preparedness during the first wave of COVID-19 evolved from specialist infectious disease control to a broad governance of population mitigation, which in at least half of Eurasian countries lacked appropriate authority and capacity. In the directly operational response in Asian countries, preparedness encompasses a whole of government approach, an engaged and active community and private actors. Preparedness requires and reflects both vertical and horizontal coordination as well as policies that fit with the political economy of a country and region.

Marleen Bekker
M.P.M. Bekker, PhD is universitair docent in de leerstoelgroep Health and Society (HSO), in het Center for Space, Place and Society (CSPS), aan Wageningen University and Research (WUR).

Ivo ten Have
I.L.F. ten Have, MSc heeft recent zijn master Communication and Health Sciences aan Wageningen University and Research afgerond met een thesis waarvan in dit artikel verslag wordt gedaan.

Tweebenig besturen binnen zorgnetwerken

Besturen tijdens de ‘hamer’ en de ‘dans’ in zorgregio west

Trefwoorden network management, health care managers, innovation, consolidation, health care networks, COVID-19, crisis management
Auteurs Jelmer Schalk, Eduard Schmidt, Suzan van der Pas e.a.

    Crisis management requires health care managers to simultaneously innovate, i.e. to adjust – and to consolidate, i.e. to provide stability. COVID-19 was no exception in this respect. In this study, we ask to what extent multi-actor and multi-level health care networks stimulate or hinder balancing innovation and consolidation. We present the results of a qualitative case study, drawing upon 29 interviews with health care managers in one region in the Netherlands. Our analysis chronologically follows the crisis management response and differentiates between ‘the hammer’ phase (the ‘lockdown’) and the ‘dance’ phase (learning to live with the virus). We show that, especially in the hammer phase, formal networks can contribute to consolidation, yet innovation comes mostly from informal and personal networks. While the hammer phase should help organizations prepare to live and dance with the virus, we show that multi-actor and multi-level networks focus more on idiosyncratic organizational interests, although some of these are in fact productive. We conclude with recommendations for practice.

Jelmer Schalk
Dr. J. Schalk is universitair hoofddocent bij het LUMC.

Eduard Schmidt
Dr. J.E.T. Schmidt is universitair docent bij de Universiteit Leiden.

Suzan van der Pas
Dr. S. van der Pas is universitair hoofddocent bij het LUMC.

Sietse Wieringa
Dr. S. Wieringa is huisarts bij het LUMC.

Sandra Groeneveld
Prof. dr. S.M. Groeneveld is hoogleraar Publiek Management bij de Universiteit Leiden.

Jet Bussemaker
Prof. dr. M. Bussemaker is hoogleraar Wetenschap, beleid en maatschappelijke impact bij het LUMC.

Corona: stresstest voor het binnenlands bestuur?

Over de Nederlandse corona-aanpak: differentiatie tussen en inbedding in de veiligheidsregio’s

Trefwoorden Corona virus, Health crisis, Safety regions, Local office holders
Auteurs Caspar van den Berg, Geerten Boogaard, Sofie Dreef e.a.

    In the Netherlands, the first period of the fight against the corona virus, which lasted from March, 1 until December 1, 2020, can be seen as a unique experiment. During this period, the 25 chairs of the ‘safety regions’ (veiligheidsregio’s), who are simultaneously the major of an important municipality in their region, were authorized for the first time to issue the most essential measures to tackle a national health crisis, partly on the binding advice of the Dutch health minister. The chairs of the safety regions gathered in the so-called ‘safety convention’ (veiligheidsberaad), in which they aimed to nationally coordinate their respective local measures. In this paper, we argue that the involvement of the safety regions provided a structure in which all local office holders in their respective regions (both on the municipal and the safety region level) could co-operate in the nation-wide fight against the pandemic, while at the same time take into account the existing (cultural) differences between the 25 regions.

Caspar van den Berg
Prof. dr. C.F. van den Berg is hoogleraar Bestuurskunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Geerten Boogaard
Prof. mr. G. Boogaard is hoogleraar Decentrale Overheden aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Sofie Dreef
S. Dreef, MSc, LLM is promovendus aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en werkt als managing consultant bij Berenschot.

Gert Jan Geertjes
Mr. G.J.A. Geertjes is universitair docent staatsrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Lokale democratie achter de schermen

Lessen leren uit digitaal vergaderen door gemeenteraden in coronatijd

Trefwoorden Local, Councils, Online, Decision-making, Deliberation
Auteurs Klaartje Peters, Geerten Boogaard, Bibi van den Berg e.a.

    Shortly after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a temporary law came into force enabling online deliberation and decision-making by decentralised governments. For the duration of the law, a committee evaluated its operation and implementation. The commission focused on legality, technology and security, and on political-administrative effects, since there were concerns about the consequences of the law in these three areas. This article shows that although no significant legal and technical problems arose, online deliberation did have an effect on the practices of deliberation and decision-making. Online deliberation during the pandemic was not good for local democracy, which was also due to society temporarily going into lock-down. At the same time, online deliberation also appears to have its advantages. In order to reap the benefits of digital deliberation, however, a permanent law that includes hybrid forms of deliberation and technical improvements to online conference systems is needed.

Klaartje Peters
Prof. dr. K. Peters is bijzonder hoogleraar Lokaal en Regionaal Bestuur aan de Universiteit Maastricht.

Geerten Boogaard
Prof. dr. G. Boogaard is hoogleraar Decentrale Overheden aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Bibi van den Berg
Prof. dr. B. van den Berg is hoogleraar Cybersecurity Governance aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Lianne Van Kalken
Mr. L. van Kalken is onderzoeker Staatsrecht aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Biopolitieke macht en de vrijheid van de burger

Hoe de politieke democratie op het spel staat in en na het coronabeleid

Trefwoorden power, negative freedom, positive freedom, COVID-19, political democracy
Auteurs Henk den Uijl en Paul Frissen

    In this political philosophy article we contribute to the question whether the covid-measures of the state fundamentally change the relation between state and society. One the one hand, we seek to explain this from the perspective of different forms of power government applies. On the other hand, we seek to understand the nature of freedom and the legitimation to restrict freedom. We notice in contemporary administration a habitus that is extremely ambivalent. On the one side, freedom is perceived as not being restrained to do, say or think whatever one wants (negative freedom). On the other hand, we notice that this freedom is not entrusted to civilians (or civilians do not entrust it to themselves), but is materialized, in great detail, by government itself. Although a pandemic may legitimize extraordinary measures, we argue that, for the sake of the future of our political democracy, the state and its administration needs to develop more self-consciousness regarding the forms of power it applies. Also, it needs to be accountable to what extent it values freedom.

Henk den Uijl
H. den Uijl MA is onderzoeker aan de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB) in Den Haag en doctoraal kandidaat aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, faculteit der geesteswetenschappen, afdeling filosofie. Hij verricht onderzoek en doceert op het snijvlak van filosofie, bestuurs- en organisatiekunde. Hij is lid van de raad van toezicht van de JP van den Bent stichting, een zorginstelling voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking.

Paul Frissen
Prof. dr. P.H.A. Frissen is decaan en bestuursvoorzitter van de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB) in Den Haag en hoogleraar Bestuurskunde aan Tilburg University. Hij doceert, verricht onderzoek en adviseert op het terrein van bestuurskunde en politieke filosofie. Hij is voorzitter van de raad van toezicht van Dichterbij, een zorginstelling voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking.

Wetenschappelijk advies en coronabeleid: een bestuurskundige reflectie

Trefwoorden science for policy, policy advice, policy making, wicked issues, COVID19 policy
Auteurs Hans de Bruijn en Martijn van der Steen

    This paper takes a public administration lens to look at the relationship between scientific knowledge en policy making during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemix in The Netherlands. Policy makers portrayed an eagerness for scientific knowledge to help them make ‘the right decisions’, and many scientist were just as eager to answer the call. However, there are many dilemmas involved in the relationship between policy making and scientific advice. How can de the relationship between science and policy best be organized? What scientific dicisplines and subsidsciplines should be involved? And what is the specific role of social sciences in policy advice?

Hans de Bruijn
Prof.mr. dr. J.A. de Bruijn is Professor of Public Administration/Organisation and Management bij de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Martijn van der Steen
Prof. dr. M. van der Steen is bijzonder hoogleraar bij de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, en is tevens co-decaan en adjunct-directeur van de NSOB en directeur van de Denktank.
Vrij artikel

Permanent falen

Het (niet-)gebruik van kwaliteitssystemen in de GGZ

Trefwoorden performance measurement, quality control, mental health care, institutional theory
Auteurs Marieke Van Geffen, Taco Brandsen, Christiaan J. Lako e.a.

    In this article we present the results of research into quality control systems in Dutch mental health care (GGZ). So far, little is known about the efficacy of quality control systems in this sector. A mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods has been applied (interviews, focus groups, questionnaires and document analysis) to find out how these systems were applied in mental health care and how their use could be explained.
    The findings show that the implementation of quality control systems was limited and highly selective. The system appears to be permanently failing, a fact recognized by most parties, yet mistrust prevents change. This confirms the assumption from institutional theory that some parts of organizations can have a symbolic rather than a real effect. In this case, it seems that the presence of quality control systems is valued over the actual improvement of quality.

Marieke Van Geffen
Dr. M. van Geffen is gastonderzoeker aan de Radboud Universiteit, manager innovatie bij de Viersprong en specialist in persoonlijkheid, gedrag en gezin.

Taco Brandsen
Prof. dr. T. Brandsen is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Christiaan J. Lako
Dr. C.J. Lako is hoofddocent bestuurskunde aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Odette M. Brand-de Wilde
Dr. O.M. Brand-de Wilde is klinisch psycholoog en psychotherapeut aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, afdeling klinische psychologie.

Bestuurskundige en veranderkundige lessen uit het leven van Arthur Docters van Leeuwen

Trefwoorden Change Management, Administrative Reform, Administrative History, The Netherlands, Public Leadership
Auteurs Zeger van der Wal

    Arthur Docters van Leeuwen was a legendary senior civil servant whose leadership in tough reform processes left many traces in Dutch public administration, even today. In my review of his 2020 memoires ‘Een Spoor van Vernieuwing’, I distil three broad lessons for change management and administrative reform, and administrative craftmanship in particular.

Zeger van der Wal
Prof. dr. Z. van der Wal is Ien Dales Hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Leiden en het CAOP. Hij is tevens gasthoogleraar aan de National University of Singapore en Tsinghua University. Als zelfstandig adviseur ondersteunt hij wereldwijd publieke organisaties in hun leiderschapsontwikkeling.

Local government in times of global challenges

The implications of the Financial Crisis since 2007 on public finances at the municipal level in the Netherlands

Auteurs Jan Porth

Jan Porth

Designing ‘context-specific’ regional innovation policy

A study on the role of regional government in six European regions

Auteurs Fabienne Corvers

Fabienne Corvers
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