

Maatschappelijke impact maken?!

Reactie op ’t Hart & Belabas, ‘Je bent wat je teweegbrengt’

Trefwoorden Societal impact, Public administration, Impact degrees, Impact pathways, Societal issues
Auteurs Mirko Noordegraaf

Mirko Noordegraaf
Prof. dr. M. Noordegraaf is hoogleraar Publiek management en vice-decaan Maatschappelijke impact, Universiteit Utrecht, en voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde (VB).
  • Samenvatting

      In this paper, the athour responds to 't Hart's and Belabas' emphasis on a call for more impact, more specifically, more societal impact. First and foremost, it is important to define what societal impact means, and how it can be generated. In additon to increasing the effects of academic knowledge, it can also mean more links with societal issues, and/or more contributions to changing the societal order. This, in turn, also implies changing academic impact, namely impact on other academic disciplines. In addition, it is important to clarify 'impact pathways' when societal impact is 'made'. Impact can be visible and instantaneous, but it can also be hidden, and/or stretched in time. Public administration scholars should trave these different routes to impact, by going outside, observing grass roots processes, showcase intriguing experiences, and make subtle knowledge connections.

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