

Zinvolle en betrouwbare impactevaluaties

Waar ontstaan kansen om de impact van ontwikkelingsinterventies te onderzoeken?

Trefwoorden impact evaluation, development, challenges, simple comparisons, proper designs
Auteurs Mark Treurniet en Maarten Voors

Mark Treurniet
Dr. M. Treurniet is assistant professor bij de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Maarten Voors
Dr. ir. M.J. Voors is associate professor bij de vakgroep Ontwikkelingseconomie van Wageningen Universiteit & Research.
  • Samenvatting

      Studying the impact of development interventions is not straightforward. Simple comparisons fall short, because differences in, for example, poverty are often not due to just the intervention, but also to other factors. In this article, we discuss examples of projects that studied the impact of interventions in a meaningful and reliable way. We then discuss some practical challenges. We call for a critical approach to impact evaluation designs and for a joint search for opportunities to evaluate impact in a meaningful and reliable way.

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