

Vakmanschap in uitvoering

Street-level bureaucrats als professionals in publieke dienst

Trefwoorden street-level bureaucracy, public services, regulation, professionals in public service, craftspersonship
Auteurs Peter Hupe

Peter Hupe
Prof. dr P. L. Hupe is verbonden aan het Instituut voor de Overheid, KU Leuven. In opdracht van de Regeringscommissaris Reorganisatie Rijksdienst evalueerde hij destijds de uitvoering van de 'Grote Operaties'. Sinds hij daarover in 1985 het artikel ‘Duwen met een touw’ schreef, is hij geïnteresseerd gebleven in vraagstukken van operationeel bestuur.
  • Samenvatting

      Street-level bureaucracy as a term was coined by Michael Lipsky, an American political scientist, who launched it in a conference paper presented in 1969. The aggregate phenomenon the term refers to concerns a particular but broad segment of the public and semi-public sector where certain occupations, such as teaching, social work and policing, imply direct contact with individual citizens. Lipsky’s book (1980/2010) became a classic in Public Administration. Since its publication, street-level bureaucracy as an object of academic study has evolved into a scholarly theme of its own. In the study of street-level bureaucracy as now practised by an expanding worldwide community of researchers, applying rules and policy implementation have been joined by a range of other conceptualisations. In research on what happens in the interactions between public officials and individual citizens the focus has shifted more and more towards motivational aspects; links with social psychology have been made. In response, a plea for an ‘institutional (turn or return’ is evident, taking the context of the public encounter into account while making the empirical study of street-level bureaucracy more comparative.

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