

Bestuurskunde met impact

In gesprek met Geert Bouckaert

Auteurs Lars Stevenson, Leonoor Gräler en Esther Nieuwenhuizen

Lars Stevenson
L.M. Stevenson, MSc werkt als promovendus bij de afdeling Bestuurskunde van de Radboud Universiteit.

Leonoor Gräler
L.E.S. Gräler, MSc is promovenda bij de Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (ESHPM).

Esther Nieuwenhuizen
E.N. Nieuwenhuizen, MSc is promovenda bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      There have been strong calls for a more socially relevant public administration, which has more impact and is more visible. But what does that mean for young researchers? In this article, three early career scholars report on a conversation with Professor Geert Bouckaert, a leading administrative scholar. He challenges young public administration scholars to clarify strategic research goals, to adopt a clear vision of impact and to shape multidisciplinarity. The authors aim to emphasize Bouckaert’s plea to stay true to what young scholars want to achieve with their work, instead of mainly focusing on the here and now. By designing academically rigorous and socially relevant research, young researchers can move beyond their neutral positions.

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