

Signaleren, handelen, leren

Hoe gemeenten ‘knellende situaties’ in uitvoeringspraktijken (kunnen) signaleren en aanpakken

Trefwoorden municipalities, professionals, signals, organising, learning
Auteurs Marlot Kuiper, Marie-Jeanne Schiffelers en Mirko Noordegraaf

Marlot Kuiper
Dr. M. Kuiper is universitair docent bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht, en tevens werkzaam als academisch adviseur bij USBO Advies. Kuiper was een van de onderzoekers op het project ‘Knellende mechanismen’.

Marie-Jeanne Schiffelers
Dr. M.J. Schiffelers is universitair hoofddocent en manager USBO Advies. Schiffelers was een van de onderzoekers op het project ‘Knellende mechanismen’.

Mirko Noordegraaf
Prof. dr. M. Noordegraaf is hoogleraar publiek management aan de Universiteit Utrecht, en departementshoofd van USBO. Noordegraaf was onder meer betrokken bij de opzet en uitvoering van het parlementaire enquêteonderzoek Fraude en Dienstverlening.
  • Samenvatting

      The relationship between policy and implementation is under heightened scrutiny due to various issues within Dutch executive organisations, such as the Tax Administration/Benefits and the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV). Recent reports have highlighted the Dutch national government as a significant cause of ‘unprecedented injustice,’ yet local governments struggle to support their constituents effectively. Municipalities for instance have witnessed citizens being disadvantaged by governmental policies and actions, and consequently seeking debt assistance or applying for benefits. This article explores how municipalities identify the signs of these problematic situations, organise responses to these situations, and learn from these experiences. We argue that effective public services revolve around the ability to detect signs, organise responses to them, and systematically learn from them. We provide empirical examples of how this occurs in three Dutch municipalities and discuss the conditions that promote or hinder effective service delivery at the frontline. We conclude with recommendations for both practice and research.

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