

Botsende publieke waarden bij publiek-private samenwerking

Dimensies en dilemma's van juridisch-bestuurskundige legitimiteit, in het bijzonder bij openbaar gezag

Trefwoorden Good governance, public-private partnerships, legitimacy
Auteurs Michiel Heldeweg en Maurits Sanders

Michiel Heldeweg
Prof. mr. dr M.A. Heldeweg is hoogleraar Public Governance Law aan de Faculteit Management en Bestuur van de Universiteit Twente.

Maurits Sanders
Drs M.Ph.Th. Sanders is hoofddocent Bestuurskunde bij Saxion en promovendus aan de Faculteit Management en Bestuur van de Universiteit Twente.
  • Samenvatting

      Public Private Partnerships (PPP), especially those geared to exercise public legal powers (‘Authoritative PPP’), are suggestive of tensions between private party involvement and public legitimacy. Hence, public legitimacy is analyzed primarily on the basis of work done by David Beetham, and complemented with Public Law legitimacy considerations concerning the exercise of legal powers and law on public organizations. The findings project that there is room to convincingly frame legitimate PPP involving public authority, but that the scope is restricted both in terms of legal constraints and of political sensitivity.As a result of this, truly wicked policy projects, which in theory stand to gain most by PPP, in practice seem to be considered less suited for Authoritative PPP (and probably more for Network PPP).

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