

Politieke ambtenaren?

Formele en feitelijke rolverschillen tussen Nederlandse politiek assistenten en vlaamse kabinetsmedewerkers

Trefwoorden Political administrative relations, Flanders, The Netherlands, central government
Auteurs Diederik Vancoppenolle, Mirko Noordegraaf en Martijn van der Steen

Diederik Vancoppenolle
Dr Diederik Vancoppenolle is doctor-assistent aan het departement Handelswetenschappen & Bestuurskunde van de Hogeschool Gent (België).

Mirko Noordegraaf
Prof. dr M. Noordegraaf is hoogleraar Publiek Management aan de Utrechtse School voor Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht.

Martijn van der Steen
Dr M. van der Steen is codecaan en adjunct-directeur van de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB).
  • Samenvatting

      A surprising difference between the Netherlands and Flanders is that a Flemish minister may appoint more than 20 advisors, while Dutch ministers can appoint only one or two ‘political assistants’. However, this difference was hardly studied before, although it is a relevant and actual theme. This article analyzes the differences in role and position of Flemish ministerial advisors and Dutch political assistants. We show that there exist large differences between both types of advisors and we discuss the reasons for and consequences of this difference. The institutional context in which both actors work determines a lot their role. Differences in political culture and administrative organization in particular seem to be important explanatory factors.

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