

Goed bestuur: Kiezen of delen?

Trefwoorden Good governance, public values, public management
Auteurs Leo Huberts en Eelco van Hout

Leo Huberts
Prof. dr L.W.J.C. Huberts is hoogleraar Bestuurskunde aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Eelco van Hout
Dr E.J.Th. van Hout is verbonden aan BMC Advies en Management en het Centrum voor het Bestuur van de Maatschappelijke Onderneming (CBMO) van de Universiteit van Tilburg (TiasNimbas Business School). Beide auteurs nemen deel aan het colloquium Goed Bestuur/Good Governance van het Netherlands Institute of Government, van waaruit dit themanummer gestalte kreeg.
  • Samenvatting

      Good governance is a contested concept in public administration theory and practice. This concluding article builds on the presented contributions as well as on additional research. First, we summarize the diversity, leading to a sketch of two basic approaches towards good governance (organizational and value oriented). Additionally questions concerning the normativity, the pluralism of values and the object of good governance (process or policy) are addressed. Second, attention is paid to strategies to cope with values in governance, acknowledging the tensions between those values. Basic strategies aim at ‘choosing’ between values, ‘accommodating’ (in time, project, context) and ‘connecting’ values (through institutions or hybridization).

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