

Vier keer verandermanagement in publieke organisaties: Een essay

Trefwoorden Management of change, public organizations
Auteurs Joris van der Voet

Joris van der Voet
Drs. J. van der Voet MSc is promovendus bij de afdeling Bestuurskunde van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      The literature on the management of organizational change is mostly based on private sector research. Research on the management of change in public sector organizations is relatively scarce. Because of the specific characteristics of public sector organizations, insights in the management of change may not be translated from one sector to the other. In this essay, four recent books about organizational change in public sector organizations are reviewed. Based on these books and other literature, an overview of the contemporary insights in the management of change of public sector organizations is presented.The essay concludes with an agenda for future research.

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