

Ondoordacht sleutelen

Reflecties op bestuurlijke geilheid en de complexiteit van sociale systemen door Roel in ’t Veld

Trefwoorden public management reform
Auteurs Philip Karré en Cees Paardekooper

Philip Karré
Dr. P.M. Karré is programmaleider van de professional master Urban Management aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Hij doet onderzoek naar de governance van hybride organisaties (

Cees Paardekooper
Drs. C. Paardekooper is adviseur bij WagenaarHoes.
  • Samenvatting

      This text provides a summary of an interview we conducted with Roel in ’t Veld, who (as an academic, advisor and civil servant) is a veteran of public management reform in the Netherlands. In ’t Veld criticizes the approach often taken by these reforms, as they are often not based on an in-depth study of the problem in question and its historic background. Scholars in public administration should not only provide critical assessments of reforms from the side-lines but should also get their hands dirty and participate in them.

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