

De bestuurlijke organisatie in Nederland: spanningsvelden en veranderstrategieën

Trefwoorden nation state, structural reforms, decentralisation
Auteurs Cees Paardekooper en Harry ter Braak

Cees Paardekooper
Drs. C. Paardekooper is adviseur bij WagenaarHoes.

Harry ter Braak
Drs. H. ter Braak is adviseur bij WagenaarHoes.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch Minister for the Interior Ronald Plasterk has proposed far-reaching reforms for the structuring of the Dutch nation state. These reforms include decentralising tasks to municipalities and merging several provinces. So far, these plans have met with criticism and derision. This article discusses the tensions included in Plasterk’s plans and proposes several strategies for how change could still be possible.

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