During the 1980s and 1990s, successive Dutch governments reformed public transport by introducing market-type mechanisms. However, these New Public Management-style reforms have only been introduced half-heartedly because governments also tried to avoid the negative effects of NPM. On some fronts, the reforms have undoubtedly led to improved quality (better and newer material) and more choice for governments regarding how to organize public transport because there are several new providers. But on other fronts, these positive effects have been hampered by fragmentation, leading to calls for another overhaul of the system. This article chronicles the developments in public transport and discusses which new steps could be taken.
Bestuurskunde |
Artikel | Successen en rafelrandjes: Stelselwijzigingen in het Openbaar Vervoer |
Trefwoorden | public transport, New Public Management |
Auteurs | Wijnand Veeneman |
DOI | 10.5553/Bk/092733872014023001005 |
Auteursinformatie |
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