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Aflevering 2, 2015 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Burgercoöperaties. Speler of speelbal in de nieuwe verhoudingen tussen overheid, markt en samenleving

Trefwoorden citizen cooperatives, self-organization, social innovation
Auteurs Dr. Meike Bokhorst, Prof. dr. Jurian Edelenbos, Prof. dr. Joop Koppenjan e.a.

    In the Netherlands citizens increasingly unite in cooperatives to realize common facilities and services in their neighborhood themselves. Apparently neither markets nor governments succeed in providing all the public goods and services that citizens strive for. Although these forms of self-organization are still young and their success is far from sure, they are seen as sources of social innovation and new ways of organizing that inspire many. Their example is followed widely: cooperatives seem to be rapidly emerging almost everywhere. Yet not much systemic knowledge is available on their nature, drivers, and impacts, nor on the conditions under which they flourish. In this special issue the state of the art regarding these cooperatives is examined in the areas of energy, care, broadband connections and housing. The various contributions show that the main challenge that cooperatives have to deal with is finding the balance between the ambition to preserve their identity as grass root organizations and the need for professionalization. Also they have to learn to build and maintain relationships with other organizations and actors in their environment on which they are dependent: governments, private parties and professionals.

Dr. Meike Bokhorst
Dr. A.M. (Meike) Bokhorst is senior wetenschappelijk medewerker van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid.

Prof. dr. Jurian Edelenbos
Prof. dr. J. Edelenbos is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Hij is vooral gespecialiseerd op het vlak van participatie, zelforganisatie, vertrouwen en verbindend leiderschap in de sectoren gebiedsontwikkeling, water en energie.

Prof. dr. Joop Koppenjan
Prof. dr. J.F.M. Koppenjan is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Hij doet onderzoek naar governance van netwerken in de publieke sector en naar innovatieve vormen van publiek-private samenwerking.

Dr. Mirjan Oude Vrielink
Dr. M.J. Oude Vrielink was lange tijd verbonden aan de Universiteit Twente waar zij in de voorhoede onderzoek deed naar sociale wijkteams en burgerinitiatieven. Sinds kort is zij op deze terreinen actief als zelfstandig onderzoeker.

Lokale energiecoöperaties: nieuwe spelers in de energie

Trefwoorden energy co-operatives, wind energy, solar parks
Auteurs Hans Elzenga en Anne Marieke Schwencke

    Currently, in the Netherlands there are about 150 energy co-operatives are actively working on the promotion of energy use reduction and renewable energy production. Among them are 15 experienced wind energy co-operatives that started almost 25 years ago, but the majority started in 2007 or later. Their aim is to mobilize investments in local renewable energy and social projects, and to use the revenues to enhance the local economy and social cohesion. The members of the co-operative become co-owners of the production units and collectively decide about the allocation of the revenues for new energy projects.In practice, new, inexperienced co-operatives in particular have difficulties realizing larger projects like wind turbines and solar parks. Fierce resistance from the local community is hampering wind projects, while limited financial support (i.e. subsidies) is the main obstacle for the realization of solar parks. In our view, it would help Dutch co-operatives if local politicians were to take a clear position on wind energy and act accordingly, and if the Dutch government were to broaden the financial support schemes for cooperatively owned and financed solar parks.

Hans Elzenga
H. Elzenga is senior beleidsonderzoeker nationaal klimaat- en energiebeleid bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving. Momenteel is hij betrokken bij de Nationale Energieverkenning 2015 (NEV 2015), en hij heeft voorheen onderzoeken gedaan naar Green Deal beleid energie, energiecoöperaties, warmtepompen, enzovoort.

Anne Marieke Schwencke
A.M. Schwencke (AS I-Search) is zelfstandig energieonderzoeker. Sinds 2012 richt ze zich op de lokale energiemarkt en coöperatieve beweging. Ze werkt samen met partijen als het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, ODE Decentraal/HIER Opgewekt, Netbeheer Nederland, Liander, Stichting DOEN en het Programmabureau Warmte Zuid-Holland.

De koers van zorgcoöperaties

Samenwerken zonder te verworden tot paradepaard of werkpaard van de participatiesamenleving

Trefwoorden healthcare cooperatives, raise and development, relationship with government
Auteurs Dr. Meike Bokhorst

    Healthcare cooperatives are not only attractive to citizens, but they also seen by managers as a source of inspiration and as a means to provide care efficiently. This raises the question of how health cooperatives evolve and which relationship with governments is appropriate for them. The aim of this article is examine the state of the art regarding the rise and development of health cooperatives. This development depends on the degree to which health cooperatives are able to overcome cultural, legal and financial obstacles. Health cooperatives seems to be more promising and stable if they succeed in determining their own course, show that they can realize their aims themselves and while learning to work together with others.

Dr. Meike Bokhorst
Dr. A.M. Bokhorst is senior wetenschappelijk medewerker van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid.

Breedbandcoöperaties op het platteland

Leerscholen voor Next Generation Plattelandsontwikkeling

Trefwoorden community broadband, rural development, cooperatives, neo-endogenous development, Netherlands
Auteurs Koen Salemink MSc en Prof. dr. Dirk Strijker

    Based on a database with 75 rural community broadband initiatives in the Netherlands and a longitudinal analysis of a specific initiative in the municipality of Oldambt, the authors discuss how citizens campaign for improved internet connections in a cooperative setting. The authors present an 8-step model which shows that at each step citizens, governments and private telecom companies affect the completion of the step. Both telecom companies and governments, however, stick to their old way of working. The market parties try to slow down the process and prevent their market areas from being affected by the initiatives, while governments are unclear about (potential) policies. Community broadband initiatives learn ‘on the job’ and they need perseverance as well as social, intellectual and financial capital in order to be successful. The realization of rural broadband requires efforts from citizens and the involvement of facilitating and supportive governments.

Koen Salemink MSc
K. Salemink MSc is werkzaam als promovendus en projectonderzoeker bij de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Prof. dr. Dirk Strijker
Prof. dr. D. Strijker is hoogleraar plattelandsontwikkeling bij de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

De opkomst van wooncoöperaties in Nederland?

Trefwoorden housing, cooperatives, success factors
Auteurs Dr. Meike Bokhorst en Prof. dr. Jurian Edelenbos

    There is a growing interest for cooperatives in housing. Recently a new housing law was signed that stimulates the rise and creation of citizen cooperatives in this sector. It is argued that in this way people, especially in the low- and middle-income category, get more opportunities to influence their own living situation. Some housing cooperatives have existed for years, but recently we have seen the rise of dozens of cooperatives. The knowledge network Platform31 has initiated an experimental program to facilitate the implementation of cooperatives in housing in the Netherlands. An important condition is that the cooperatives need to develop a strong business case. Cooperation with established housing corporations in the sector is also of vital importance. Moreover, a helping hand from municipalities is needed and some local governments have already developed policies and undertaken actions. Yet there are still bottlenecks in policy and law that needs to be solved. A paradigm shift is needed to make cooperatives in housing feasible.

Dr. Meike Bokhorst
Dr. A.M. (Meike) Bokhorst is senior wetenschappelijk medewerker van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid.

Prof. dr. Jurian Edelenbos
Prof. dr. J. Edelenbos is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Hij is vooral gespecialiseerd op het vlak van participatie, zelforganisatie, vertrouwen en verbindend leiderschap in de sectoren gebiedsontwikkeling, water en energie.

De default settings van de participatiesamenleving

Trefwoorden participation society, cooperatives, community development
Auteurs Prof. dr. Justus Uitermark

    This contribution argues that self-organization is uneven: it emerges more in certain groups, sectors and geographical areas than in others. While the number of cooperatives has increased, their overall impact remains rather limited. Although the government rhetorically embraces cooperatives, in practices it is often hesitant or reluctant to lend support. Politicians are often ‘on a mission’ to promote startup companies and to obtain contracts or competitive advantages for large corporations. What if cooperatives would receive the same kind of support?

Prof. dr. Justus Uitermark
Prof. dr. J. Uitermark is socioloog en bijzonder hoogleraar samenlevingsopbouw aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

ZBO-evaluaties: verplicht, verzuimd, en veronachtzaamd?

Trefwoorden ZBO, quangos, agency, evaluations, assessment
Auteurs Prof. Dr. Sandra van Thiel, Stefan Soetekouw Msc, Martijn Dresmé Msc e.a.

    This article describes our knowledge on the performance of ZBOs (a type of quangos), based on annual reports and official evaluations. We find that evaluations are not done very often even though they are required by law. The content and quality of evaluation reports do not always facilitate the drawing of clear conclusions. Evaluations and annual reports depict a modestly positive picture of ZBO performance, and a negative image of the relationship between ZBOs and their parent departments. Evaluation reports are only occasionally used in political debates and decision making on ZBOs. That raises the question of why politicians have so little interest in ZBO performance and its evaluations, all the more so because expectations regarding ZBO performance were very high at the time when these organizations were established.

Prof. Dr. Sandra van Thiel
Prof. Dr. S. van Thiel is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Radboud Universiteit te Nijmegen. Zij coördineerde in 2011-2012 het parlementair onderzoek door de Eerste Kamer naar privatisering en verzelfstandiging.

Stefan Soetekouw Msc
J.S. Soetekouw Msc is afgestudeerd aan de opleiding Bestuurskunde aan de Radboud Universiteit te Nijmegen.

Martijn Dresmé Msc
M. Dresmé Msc is afgestudeerd aan de opleiding Bestuurskunde aan de Radboud Universiteit te Nijmegen.

Drs. Peter van Goch
Drs. P.A.M. van Goch is informatiespecialist bij de Tweede Kamer en was in 2011-2012 werkzaam voor het parlementair onderzoek door de Eerste Kamer naar privatisering en verzelfstandiging.

Bestuurskunde voorbij het maakbaarheidsdenken?

Trefwoorden social engineering, greedy governance, modest public governance, practical rationality
Auteurs Robert van Putten MSc MA

    Public Administration has been confronted with an emerging body of literature on the subject of social engineering and the limitedness of governing society. At the same time, governance is considered to be more greedy. The aim of this article is to consider the implications of the boundaries of social engineering for Public Administration. This article reflects on these implications as follows. Firstly, this article gives an analysis of the relation between governance, policy and feasibility. Secondly, different definitions of feasibility are developed and related to Public Administration. These elements lead to the conclusion that Public Administration is part of the culture of perfecting. Thirdly, after rejecting fatalism, a new perspective for Public Administration can be found in thinking based on practical rationality.

Robert van Putten MSc MA
R.J. van Putten MSc MA is filosoof en bestuurskundige. Hij is werkzaam als promovendus en docent aan de afdeling Bestuurswetenschap & Politicologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
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