In the Netherlands citizens increasingly unite in cooperatives to realize common facilities and services in their neighborhood themselves. Apparently neither markets nor governments succeed in providing all the public goods and services that citizens strive for. Although these forms of self-organization are still young and their success is far from sure, they are seen as sources of social innovation and new ways of organizing that inspire many. Their example is followed widely: cooperatives seem to be rapidly emerging almost everywhere. Yet not much systemic knowledge is available on their nature, drivers, and impacts, nor on the conditions under which they flourish. In this special issue the state of the art regarding these cooperatives is examined in the areas of energy, care, broadband connections and housing. The various contributions show that the main challenge that cooperatives have to deal with is finding the balance between the ambition to preserve their identity as grass root organizations and the need for professionalization. Also they have to learn to build and maintain relationships with other organizations and actors in their environment on which they are dependent: governments, private parties and professionals.
Bestuurskunde |
Article | Burgercoöperaties. Speler of speelbal in de nieuwe verhoudingen tussen overheid, markt en samenleving |
Trefwoorden | citizen cooperatives, self-organization, social innovation |
Auteurs | Dr. Meike Bokhorst, Prof. dr. Jurian Edelenbos, Prof. dr. Joop Koppenjan en Dr. Mirjan Oude Vrielink |
DOI | 10.5553/Bk/092733872015024002001 |
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