

De default settings van de participatiesamenleving

Trefwoorden participation society, cooperatives, community development
Auteurs Prof. dr. Justus Uitermark

Prof. dr. Justus Uitermark
Prof. dr. J. Uitermark is socioloog en bijzonder hoogleraar samenlevingsopbouw aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution argues that self-organization is uneven: it emerges more in certain groups, sectors and geographical areas than in others. While the number of cooperatives has increased, their overall impact remains rather limited. Although the government rhetorically embraces cooperatives, in practices it is often hesitant or reluctant to lend support. Politicians are often ‘on a mission’ to promote startup companies and to obtain contracts or competitive advantages for large corporations. What if cooperatives would receive the same kind of support?

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