

Corona: stresstest voor het binnenlands bestuur?

Over de Nederlandse corona-aanpak: differentiatie tussen en inbedding in de veiligheidsregio’s

Trefwoorden Corona virus, Health crisis, Safety regions, Local office holders
Auteurs Caspar van den Berg, Geerten Boogaard, Sofie Dreef en Gert Jan Geertjes

Caspar van den Berg
Prof. dr. C.F. van den Berg is hoogleraar Bestuurskunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Geerten Boogaard
Prof. mr. G. Boogaard is hoogleraar Decentrale Overheden aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Sofie Dreef
S. Dreef, MSc, LLM is promovendus aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en werkt als managing consultant bij Berenschot.

Gert Jan Geertjes
Mr. G.J.A. Geertjes is universitair docent staatsrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      In the Netherlands, the first period of the fight against the corona virus, which lasted from March, 1 until December 1, 2020, can be seen as a unique experiment. During this period, the 25 chairs of the ‘safety regions’ (veiligheidsregio’s), who are simultaneously the major of an important municipality in their region, were authorized for the first time to issue the most essential measures to tackle a national health crisis, partly on the binding advice of the Dutch health minister. The chairs of the safety regions gathered in the so-called ‘safety convention’ (veiligheidsberaad), in which they aimed to nationally coordinate their respective local measures. In this paper, we argue that the involvement of the safety regions provided a structure in which all local office holders in their respective regions (both on the municipal and the safety region level) could co-operate in the nation-wide fight against the pandemic, while at the same time take into account the existing (cultural) differences between the 25 regions.

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